2021 Spring Lambs
2021 Spring lambs by Alvizo Ranch Oberon, Alvizo Ranch Vierling, and Ojo Zarco Akando
Email us at Rockbellhollow@gmail.com to be put on a waiting list for lambs
Rockbell Delilah
Rockbell Daisy and Alvizo Ranch Vierling
EWE, Lambed June 10th 2021, Black and white, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Delilah's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2232 JJ's Desert Black NightF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3021 JJ's Desert DynoF-3770 Pavlock Farms GunnerF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldDaisy's Ram
Rockbell Daisy and Alvizo Ranch Vierling
RAM, Lambed June 10th 2021, Black and white, elf ears
Gold Star Rams in *****'s lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2232 JJ's Desert Black NightF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3021 JJ's Desert DynoF-3770 Pavlock Farms GunnerF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldMiley
Rockbell Like A Wrecking Ball P-6327
GGF Belle and Alvizo Ranch Vierling
EWE, Lambed May 15th 2021, white and sable with roaning, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Miley's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2017 Bentley's TankF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3021 JJ's Desert DynoF-3770 Pavlock Farms GunnerF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldElise, "Ellie"
Rockbell Elise P-6329
GGF Cayenne and Alvizo Ranch Vierling
EWE, Lambed May 14th 2021, black with white, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Elise's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2017 Bentley's TankF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3021 JJ's Desert DynoF-3770 Pavlock Farms GunnerF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit EweF-1822 Alvizo Ranch Moondancer
Rockbell RBF Arwen P-6336
Rockbell That's No Moon and Alvizo Ranch Vierling
EWE, Lambed May 11th 2021, white and fawn sable, elf ears
Gold Star Rams in Arwen's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2136 Cascabel's TombstoneF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2232 JJ's Desert Black NightF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3021 JJ's Desert DynoF-3770 Pavlock Farms GunnerF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit EweF-1822 Alvizo Ranch Moondancer
Rockbell Tycho
Rockbell That's No Moon and Alvizo Ranch Vierling
RAM, Lambed May 11th 2021, white and chocolate, normal ears
Tycho has achieved GSR status but his owner has not sent in the measurements at this time
Gold Star Rams in Tycho's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2136 Cascabel's TombstoneF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2232 JJ's Desert Black NightF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3021 JJ's Desert DynoF-3770 Pavlock Farms GunnerF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit EweF-1822 Alvizo Ranch Moondancer
Rockbell All That Jazz
Rockbell Dancin For A Dollar and Alvizo Ranch Vierling
EWE, Lambed May 11th 2021, white, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Jazzy's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3021 JJ's Desert DynoF-3770 Pavlock Farms GunnerF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldTango
Rockbell Two To Tango P-6334
Rockbell Dancin For A Dollar and Alvizo Ranch Vierling
RAM, Lambed May 11th 2021, black with white, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Tango's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3021 JJ's Desert DynoF-3770 Pavlock Farms GunnerF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldWeiss
Rockbell Edelweiss P-6333
Pena's Farms Lily and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
EWE, Lambed March 14th 2021, white with roaning, elf ears
Gold Star Rams in Weiss' lineage
F-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2232 JJ's Desert Black NightF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldThorn
Rockbell Thorn
Pena's Farms Lily and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
RAM, Lambed March 14th 2021, white , champagne and fawn, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Thorn's lineage
F-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2232 JJ's Desert Black NightF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldUpdated picture from Thorn's owner, April 2022
Rockbell Stella P-6331
GGF Galaxy and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
EWE, Lambed March 14th 2021, white, sable and champagne, normal ears.
Gold Star Rams in Stella's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2136 Cascabel's TombstoneF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit EweF-1822 Alvizo Ranch Moondancer
GGF Galaxy and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
RAM, Lambed March 14th 2021, white, elf ears
Gold Star Rams in Comet's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2136 Cascabel's TombstoneF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit EweF-1822 Alvizo Ranch Moondancer
Rockbell Jasper
GGF Calavera Cristal and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
RAM, Lambed March 4th 2021, white and chocolate with roaning, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Jasper's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2136 Cascabel's TombstoneF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2232 JJ's Desert Black NightF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit EweF-1822 Alvizo Ranch Moondancer
Updated picture of Jasper from his owner, April 2022
GGF Calavera Cristal and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
RAM, Lambed March 4th 2021, white, elf ears.
Gold Star Rams in Shale's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2136 Cascabel's TombstoneF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2232 JJ's Desert Black NightF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit EweF-1822 Alvizo Ranch Moondancer
Rockbell Dexter
GGF I Hava Dollar and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
RAM, Lambed March 3rd 2021, mahogany, white and black. elf ears
Gold Star Rams in Dexter's lineage
F-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldUpdate picture form Dexter's owner, April 2022
Rockbell Dorothy
GGF I Hava Dollar and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
EWE, Lambed March 3rd 2021, white, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Dorothy's lineage
F-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldHavoc
Rockbell Chocolate Havoc
GGF Chocolate Sundae and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
RAM, Lambed February 23rd 2021, quad color, champagne, sable, charcoal and white. elf ears.
Gold Star Rams in Havoc's lineage
F-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit Ewe
F-1822 Alvizo Ranch MoondancerHavoc was far too friendly as a young lamb so we wethered him. He now lives at another farm, keeping their rams company, he is a wonderful working companion and has grown to be so beautiful!
Rockbell Keeping Me Crazy P-6335
GGF Chocolate Sundae and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
RAM, Lambed February 23rd 2021, black and white, normal ears.
Gold Star Rams in Keeper's lineage
F-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit Ewe
F-1822 Alvizo Ranch MoondancerTitania
Rockbell Titania P-6332
GGF Just An Illusion and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
EWE, Lambed February 22nd 2021, black and white. elf ear.
Gold Star Rams in Titania's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2136 Cascabel's TombstoneF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit Ewe
F-1822 Alvizo Ranch MoondancerMirage
Rockbell Just a Mirage
GGF Just An Illusion and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
EWE, Lambed February 22nd 2021, black and white. Normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Mirage's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2136 Cascabel's TombstoneF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit Ewe
F-1822 Alvizo Ranch MoondancerClaire
Rockbell Ida Claire P-6328
GGF Downtown Lady and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
EWE, Lambed February 21st 2021, black and white, elf ear.
Gold Star Rams in Claire's lineage
F-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit Ewe
F-1822 Alvizo Ranch MoondancerClyde
Rockbell Downtown Clyde
GGF Downtown Lady and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
RAM, Lambed February 21st 2021, black and white, elf ear
Gold Star Rams in Clyde's lineage
F-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit Ewe
F-1822 Alvizo Ranch MoondancerEin
Rockbell Eins
Arrow J's Wonita and Ojo Zarco Akando
RAM, Lambed February 15th 2021, cinnamon, black and white, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Ein's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-2274 Pavlock Farms Arrow J Why OneF-3406 Ojo Zarco El ChiefF-4080 Ojo Zarco ApacheUpdated picture of Ein from his owner, April 2022
Rockbell Zwei
Arrow J's Wonita and Ojo Zarco Akando
RAM, Lambed February 15th 2021, ram, white and chocolate, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Zwei's lineage
TD-1 Pavlock Farms AmmoF-2274 Pavlock Farms Arrow J Why OneF-3406 Ojo Zarco El ChiefF-4080 Ojo Zarco ApacheI just love this updated picture of Zwei from his owner, such a beast!!! April 2022
Rockbell Florin
GGF I Need A Dollar and Alvizo Ranch Oberon
EWE, Lambed February 13th, 2021, white, normal ears
Gold Star Rams in Florin's lineage
F-166 JJ's Desert DakotaF-1311 Sycamore Springs RamulusF-1421 Pavlock Farms JuniorF-1806 Pavlock Farms Nuclear JuniorF-2231 Alvizo Ranch LongfellowF-2366 Pavlock Farms JaxF-3546 Rene's Farms El ChavoF-3896 Alvizo Ranch Corona X-Tra GoldRecognition of Merit Ewe
F-1822 Alvizo Ranch MoondancerDutch
Rockbell Flying Dutchman
Blackwood's RM Tickerbelle and Ojo Zarco Akando (a Ojo Zarco Apache son)
RAM, Date lambed January 27, 2021, chocolate, black and white with ticking. Normal ears.
Gold Star Rams in Dutch's lineage
R-2017 Bentley's TankF-3406 Ojo Zarco El ChiefF-4080 Ojo Zarco Apache